Brand Names Starting with Letter R |
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This is the name pianos and player Nelson Piano Co. The exclusive trademark of the Aeolian Company under which it markets its Player-Pianos, Artist Reproducing Pianos, Cabinet Players, Automatic Player Actions and Accessories.
Pianos, both uprights and grands, are produced in small numbers by Raudenbush & Sons Piano Co., St. Paul, Minn. The industry was established in 1883.
The manufacture of Remington pianos has been for many years carried on at Richmond, Ind. This name as well as the corporate name, The Remington Piano Co., Richmond, Ind., is owned by The Starr Piano Co., of Richmond, Md. All instruments are made complete in the Starr factories. A substantial line of player pianos and upright pianos are made, each instrument carefully designed for the type of business for which it is intended. The name Remington was copyrighted for all musical instruments and is owned by The Starr Piano Co.
Popular instruments of durable character are produced by the Regal Piano & Player Co.,
This company manufactured pianos, player-pianos, electric expression players, and reproducing pianos. Regal is a name recognized throughout the piano world as a synonym of merit, moderate price and the kind of durability and dependability for the merchant and satisfaction for the piano loving public. The school piano, Styles 6 and 7, is perfectly adapted to class room and small parlors.
Characteristic name applied to the "nationally priced" Guibransen instruments to which refer in this section, so-called because the Gulbransen, through the pedals, actually regulation personal touch
1915 - 90000 1940 - 344000 1961 - 479000 1966 - 551000
1920 - 140000 1945 - 357000 1962 - 506000 1967 - 559400
1925 - 218000 1950 - 405500 1963 - 515000 1968 - 565000
1930 - 301000 1955 - 443500 1964 - 524000 1969 - 571000
1935 - 309000 1960 - 488300 1965 - 542000The Story & Clark Repro-Pliraso is a player piano in which may be inserted any 88 note music roll and trace the melody throughout the composition as your own mood dictates as though you were playing with your hands on the keys. There is no suggestion of the mechanical in the musical effects. The melody sings to a softly subdued accompaniment. The same discretion in the production of delicate expression is attained as if the performer were expressing himself with the freedom of the finger)touch upon the keys. Control of the composition is perfect, and the musical interpretation such as can come only after long practice and complete musical knowledge. Thus the Repr-Phraso becomes the individual operational reproducing piano, which permits of human control and of expression, phrasing, accenting, melody playing and shading. This instrument has won the approval of experts, and it is the product of an old and absolutely responsible industry. It is a favorite with piano merchants and the music)loving public. Its special features are described in a booklet supplied by either the dealers or the manufacturers. Story & Clark Piano Co.
Pianos, player pianos and reproducing pianos manufactured by F. Radle, Inc., in the well-appointed factory at 609-11 West 36th SL, New York, Business established many years ago and the name of Radle has had a place in the industry from the dawn of American piano manufacture. The F. Radle instruments are, there fore, the results of long experience and a consistent ambition to attain to eminence. They are high)grade in every particular, and the F. Radle player-pianos have assumed a conspicuous place by reason of their unchallenged merits. They are made upon the most approved principles and they possess improvements of power in their appeal to both public and the trade. It would be impossible to commend these instruments too highly. The F. Radle Player de Luxe is a powerful instrument of fine quality. F. Radle case designs are new 2nd always original, and they are the special work of Mr. Radle himself. Some of the most prominent pianists and critics have given the Radle instruments unstinted praise. In the summer of 1923 the F. Radle reproducing piano appeared. It is of remarkable qualities and adds still more to the attainments of its makers as creators of true musical instruments. Piano merchants throughout the country commend the F. Radle pianos and player pianos as leaders and the instruments fullv justifies all that is said of them.
Name on pianos made for many years in Cleveland, Ohio, but in 1913 names was secured by B. H. Janssen, of New York, who organized the Raymond Piano Co. and is now making pianos bear the name at East 132nd Street and Brown Place.
One of the distinguished names in the piano world Reed & Sons' pianos and player-pianos are made by the Reed & Sons Division of Steger & Sons Piano Mfg., Co., of Chicago and Steger, Ill. The financial strength of the company is unquestioned. These instruments were established in 1842. The ideals which inspired the founder of the Reed & Sons' pianos still guide the manufacturers of these instruments. The Reed & Sons' piano was awarded a grand prize medal and other distinctions at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893. It will be seen, therefore, that the Reed & Sons' piano of today is the result of long years of progress In tone, quality, power, durability and beautiful case designs, it is recognized as an instrument of unquestioned merit. And what has been said of the Reed & Sons' piano may equally be applied to the player piano of the same name. These instruments are fully guaranteed and made complete in the factories located at Steger, Ill.: general offices and sales rooms in the Steger Building, northwest comer Wabash Ave. and Jackson Blvd., Chicago
Instruments of high grade and superior tone qualities which are the results of long study and progressive research. In material, skill of workmanship and artistic case designs the Ricca pianos and player pianos have won a place among the standard instruments and have secured a firm place upon the public and trade. Ricca pianos appear in accord with changing tastes, and two of the later styles are in special demand. They are the new scales, in cases of 4 feet 7 inches and. 4 feet 3 inches, respectively. The new small grand is also of special interest and makes a strong appeal to discriminating lovers of the piano. This beautiful instrument is 5 feet 2 inches in length, and it is the result of long and critical effort to produce the most artistic small grand within the power of the skilled forces of the house to create. It is perfectly matched in tone and design. Powerful, yet sympathetic and appealing to refined tastes, this Ricca grand promises to win a place high among the better class of American pianos. The designs are of the Period and Art models, and it is also produced with repeating action. The Ricca Reproducing piano is the last word in latest development of the remarkable instrument that recreates the performances of the greatest masters of the piano. The export trade of Ricca & Son is a large feature in the business of the industry. The factory is one of the best appointed in New York City.
The Richmond Piano Co., established 1875, factory's Richmond, Indiana. This Company is owned and controlled by The Starr Piano Co. of Richmond, Ind.
Frankeneng 17, Ede, Holland. Rippen, the only piano manufacturer in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, was founded in 1937. The company displayed its line of grand pianos at the 1987 Franfort Fair.
Pianos and player-pianos of popular characteristics made by Wissner & Sons, Inc., of Brooklyn, N. Y. These instruments are durable and have been on the market for years. Office, 55-57 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.
Manufactured by the Rudolf Piano Co., New York. A reliable piano that has become very popular. Produced by experienced piano makers under an economical system in an endeavor, which has been successful, to offer to the trade and public a musical and durable piano at a reasonable price.